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New Travel Policy


TO: [First Name of employee] [Last Name of employee]
[Title of employee]

FROM: [First Name of employer] [Last Name of employer]
[Title of employer]

DATE: [Date]

RE: Travel Expense

All employees who are requested to travel on behalf of the company are asked to submit an expense authorization form to their supervisor at least [Weeks in advance to submit form] weeks prior to the said business trip.

Please fill out the form completely, including the information on costs of the plane ticket, car rental, hotel, and other expenses. Also, include the duration of your trip; the daily meal allowance for travel within the United States is [Minimum allowance] and [Maximum allowance] for foreign travel. After supervisor approval and remittance of the expense report to the A/P section in the Accounting Department, a voucher will be issued the following day.

While traveling, the employee is asked to retain all receipts and keep detailed records of all business-related expenses as Accounting will need the information to issue another voucher. All refunds or unused funds other than meal allowances are to be returned to the Accounting Department.